p. 316.722.7561 f. 316.722.0346
10100 W Grady Ave.P.O. Box 245 Maize, KS 67101
Interested in working for the city of Maize? The city of Maize employs all personnel under a merit system of personnel administration. The merit system requires that all personnel transactions be based on individual ability and competence and that all employees meet acceptable levels of performance.
Apply online at https://ksgovjobs.com
The City of Maize provides, as a sampling, the following benefits for full-time employees:
The City of Maize is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Through the integration of its population into every aspect of quality education, civic improvements, community appearance, commerce and recreation, Maize shall preserve its small town atmosphere and become the best small city in Kansas.
"Where Community Counts"
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