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City of Maize "Where Community Counts"
Maize City Hall


  • p. 316.722.7561
    f. 316.722.0346

    10100 W Grady Ave.
    P.O. Box 245
    Maize, KS 67101


Planning Commission and Board of Zoning

The Commission is vested with the responsibilities of a planning commission as contained in the State Planning and Zoning Statutes (K.S.A. 112-741, et seq., as amended and 12-736).

The Planning Commission was created on June 10, 1974. The Mayor appoints members with the approval of the Governing Body at the first regular meeting in May of each year. Members are appointed for three-year terms.  The Board consists of five members who reside within the City limits and two members who reside within the authorized "zone of influence" of the City of Maize.  The zone of influence designated by the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission is an area within which recommendations on zoning cases is made by the City Planning Commission to the County Commission.  Maize's "zone of influence" is a three-mile radius around the City limits.

Planning and Zoning meetings are held first Thursday of each month at Maize City Hall, 10100 Grady Ave. at 6:00 p.m.

Subscribe to City of Maize Meeting Agendas & Minutes


  • Bryan Aubuchon, Chair - Term Expiration: May 2026
  • Hugh Nicks, Vice Chair - Term Expiration: May 2026
  • Dennis Downes, Secretary - Term Expiration: May 2027
  • Mike Burks - Term Expiration: May 2025
  • Tyler Lohmann - Term Expiration: May 2025
  • Carol Cooper - Term Expiration: May 2027
  • Eric Samek - Term Expiration May 2025

* Zone of Influence

City of Maize
Through the integration of its population into every aspect of quality education, civic improvements, community appearance, commerce and recreation, Maize shall preserve its small town atmosphere and become the best small city in Kansas.

"Where Community Counts"