Throughout our Website, we have provided information about our City, our sense of community, city park facilities, miles of walking and biking trails, activities for our youth and programs for our seniors. The following information is specifically intended to assist new or prospective residents of our community with contact information for residential services.
Water: Maize City Hall 10100 W Grady (316) 722-7561
Electricity: Westar Energy: 383-8600 Sedgwick County Rural Electric Co-op: (316) 542-3131
Natural Gas: Black Hills Energy, Inc.: (888) 890-5554
Phone/Internet: AT&T: (800) 288-2020 COX: (888) 707-0251
Trash: Lies Trash Service 522-1699 Waste Connections, Inc. 838-4920 Waste Management 721-4510
Sewage: City of Maize 722-7561
Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Sedgwick County 4030 Reed Ave EMERGENCY Call 9-1-1
Fire Department, Sedgwick County Fire Station No 33 10625 W 53rd St North EMERGENCY Call 9-1-1
Hospitals (Nearby): Via Christi-St Teresa - Located within 5 miles of Maize 14800 W St Teresa Wichita, KS
Wesley West ER - Located within 5 miles of Maize 8714 W 13th St North Wichita, KS
Police Department 10100 W Grady Ave EMERGENCY Call 9-1-1 Administrative Line (answered only during normal business hours) (316) 722-1433
The South Central Kansas Economic Development District (SCKEDD) of Wichita offers the Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program (KWAP), which uses grants to pay for:
Income Guidelines are:
Through the integration of its population into every aspect of quality education, civic improvements, community appearance, commerce and recreation, Maize shall preserve its small town atmosphere and become the best small city in Kansas.
"Where Community Counts"
10100 W Grady Ave. ∙ P.O. Box 245 ∙ Maize, KS 67101 p: 316.722.7561 ∙ f: 316.722.0346
© Copyright 2018